The Resurrected Jesus

This is the time of year when Christians around the world take special notice of the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His sacrificial death on the cross paid for the sins of the world. His resurrection from the dead proved that all his claims about himself were true and gave us all hope for eternal life.

The resurrected Jesus was, first of all, perplexing. Many people did not know what to make of the empty tomb. Someone rising from the dead simply did not fit their understanding of reality. They did not think that such a thing was possible. Even his followers were slow to accept the fact of his resurrection, though Jesus had clearly told them ahead of time that it would happen.

Secondly, the resurrection of Jesus was surprising. The women who first arrived at the tomb that first Easter Sunday morning did not expect to find it empty. The two disciples who ran to check out the women’s claims must have also been surprised to find it just as the women had said. Certainly, the opponents of Jesus must have been surprised that their attempts to secure the tomb had failed, and that they could not disprove the claims that Jesus was alive.

Third, the resurrection of Jesus was divisive. It forced people to make decisions. Some chose to deny the resurrection and try to cover it up with lies and deception. Others decided to embrace the truth that Jesus was indeed alive. You can’t sit on the fence when it comes to Jesus. You must choose sides.

Finally, the resurrection of Jesus was inspiring and empowering to those who chose to believe in him. The lives of his followers were forever changed. Their boldness was seen in both their words and their actions as they preached the truth and bravely stood against all opposition. This band of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, continued the ministry of Jesus and fueled a movement that changed the world. This movement is on-going today, and it will continue to gain followers until the resurrected Jesus returns for his church!

I hope that you have responded properly to the resurrected Jesus and that you will continue to follow him, witnessing and serving in his power.

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